Members-only Chief Customer Officer Chief Customer Officer Summit London | December 2024 Catch up on all sessions from the likes of The Economist, Clozd, 1E, WorkBuzz and more....
Members-only Chief Customer Officer What is a chief customer officer (CCO)? Every now and then, aspects of your business will be in need of refreshing to stand tall amongst the competition. But staying ahead of the curve isn’t an easy feat, especially when it comes to making changes from within....
Members-only Chief Customer Officer A roadmap for aspiring Chief Customer Officers Wondering how to educate your executive teams on the importance of customer success? Curious about navigating career paths to the CCO role? What about balancing revenue and profit, and integrating support and services into the customer journey?...
Members-only Chief Customer Officer Should Chief Customer Officers own revenue? From the early days of SaaS to the post-pandemic world, the landscape of customer relationships has dramatically shifted. That’s really what this article is about; I want to share my personal journey and make a case for why Chief Customer Officers (CCOs) should own revenue....
Members-only Chief Customer Officer This is why customer success be represented in the C-suite Customer success is finally getting its seat at the big table with other C-level executives, with the role of the Chief Customer Officer (CCO) establishing itself in the SaaS industry. But why is it so important for customer success to sit pretty at the top table? Let's get stuck in....